It has been a while, but so much has gone on. In case you were wondering, the closer a teacher gets to May the busier she becomes. This past month and a half has been a blur. School was super super busy. My very first class graduated 8th grade. I can't wait until they graduate high school. It will be so interesting to see how much they have grown and matured! At school they are building new classrooms. I am one of the "lucky" ones that will get a new room. But for right now they moved me to a room about half the size of my old one. Please remember this is the 2nd time in 2 years that I have moved classrooms. But when I get in this new one, I won't move for a long long time.
Nora Claire...she is 9 months now. She has 6 teeth and is trying to walk. She takes about 8-9 steps and gives in. She hasn't figured out that it is faster to walk somewhere rather than crawl. She never stops moving!!! She looks more like a toddler now than a baby. She is so sweet. You can ask her for a kiss and she'll give you her open mouth kiss. She also gives 'loves" aka hugs. She has developed her own personality which can be sweet sometimes. She loves her baby. She has one at the babysitter, my car, and the house. She drags her baby everywhere. We found out that she loves the pool. I am going to try to post some pictures here shortly. I have alot of catching up to do.
Anthony got a truck! We got really lucky and found a great truck. I will post pictures of that also.