Wednesday, February 11, 2009

So we have a house!

That is the big news around our house right now. The mortgage company want us to close on....Friday the 13th!!!! Anthony really wants to, but I am kind of unsure about it. Either way we are going to get in the house by the end of the month. We have to go clean this weekend. Yes, just what I wanted to be doing on Valentine's Day weekend, cleaning a house. But seriously, it's disgusting. I am going to try to load so more pictures tonight, but it might be tomorrow before I get them done.

Oh, and MARDI GRAS is coming up!!!! Yeah!!!! We get some time off of school and get to go to some parades. I can't wait!!!


bowling1 said...

I look forward to being one of your first house guests!

Michael said...

Congratulations !

ash said...

congrats!!! also check out my blog...u received an award from me

Why I'm Here

My husband and I live several hours from my family. I started my blog so that my crew in Arkansas can keep up with my family, which recently went from a 2 member household to 3. I teach, and my husband coaches..... so I often have a lot to VENT as well!

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