Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Is it sad that my sister has to tell me to post on my blog...yes, very. I am trying to stay up-to-date on this, but it is really hard right now. Nora Claire is SOOOOO SOOOOO active right now that it is hard for me to get time to even get on the computer at night.

Speaking of Nora Claire...she is now crawling everywhere and pulling up on everything. She would much rather walk holding your hands everywhere than crawl. She is definitely going to have Anthony's complexion. We went outside for a little bit this weekend and she already has a tan. I think she is also going to have Anthony' curly hair. This morning I had to wake her up to go to the babysitter and she had a little wave going on. It was too cute. I am about to make a statement and I know that many people will have alot of opinions, but please if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. Yes, Nora Claire does sleep in the bed with us. We did it out of necessity the first couple weeks-football and the lack of sleep-and have just continued. I told Anthony that as soon as he was ready that she would go out, but he hasn't said anything yet. She does usually get up at least one time a night. Form whatever opinions you want, but it was our decision and we are prepared to deal with the consequences, whatever they may be.

It feels like life is flying by us. NC is 7 months old!!! I'm sorry, but that is so hard to believe. She is developing her own little personality and now that Anthony doesn't have football or basketball we see him alot more! She loves her Daddy. This week I have play practice at school so Anthony gets to pick her up everyday and play with her until I get done. They get to spend some good quality time together. I still think that she is going to look like her daddy, but some people have different opinions. I have some pictures to post later. Life is just flying by. Her last check up-around 2/20 can't remember the exact date-she was 27 inches long and 17.8 pounds. She is wearing alot of 12 month stuff already. She can fit in some 6-9, but alot of the pants are too tight on her little tummy, but the 12 month stuff is still a little long. Not by much though. We will be in Monticello on Good Friday thru the following Friday. I don't know how I am going to manage to pack that much stuff to last us that long, but I guess I will figure it out.

Oh, almost forgot. We had to move up to a big girl car seat last week. Her feet were hanging off the end of the carrier. She loves her new one. Hopefully this will make trips to AR alot better. They weren't horrible to begin with, but now she can see me and not get freaked out as easily. Now I just need to get a DVD player for her. She loves watching Sesame Street, Barney, and Elmo. She watches these while she is at the babysitter playing. No, she doesn't just sit her down in front of the TV. She always has the TV on NC just plays and when she hears the music for the each show she watches them for just a little bit and then gets back to playing. It is really cute.


Laken said...

Can't wait to see the pictures! I hope the clothes will fit her!! :)

Shelley said...

ha, I love it when people tell others how to parent....I personally didn't let mine sleep with me; but until whoever complains about NC is doing so because it actually affects THEIR life, I would not care what they said! Where Nora is doesn't keep ME awake so I don't mind at all, lol!

Ready to see some pics of this growin girlie!

Jessica said...

I'm jealous that Nora Claire has started crawling! Sadie hasn't quite gotten there yet, but she's close!

bowling1 said...

I have 2 great neices that are just darn over achievers!!!!

Lee Ann said...

She has the sweetest expressions! I can't believe how much she has grown. She is beautiful! You let her sleep in your bed as long as you want. Jordan would still be sleeping with us if I would let him, but he is 11 years old now, lol. She is your baby and you do it your way.

Why I'm Here

My husband and I live several hours from my family. I started my blog so that my crew in Arkansas can keep up with my family, which recently went from a 2 member household to 3. I teach, and my husband coaches..... so I often have a lot to VENT as well!

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