Monday, July 28, 2008

Happy Anniversary to Us!

For everyone involved in our wedding day, that might say it was kind of hectic, but I knew what I wanted it was just making it happen. It was wonderful!!! We were surrounded by our family and friends just the way it should be. Alot of Anthony's family and friends made the 5 hour drive up. Let's just say that the Louisiana Police liked them alot-4 tickets between 3 drivers. We told them not to speed.

I can't believe that it has already been a year. Wow! Sorry these pictures are so small, but I can't find my CD with the bigger ones. I will keep looking for it and hopefully put the bigger ones up.

So much has happened in one married, moved out of state for the first time, first "real" job, first house, and awaiting our first child. Wow.


Abri and Nora Claire's Mimi said...

Happy Anniversary!!!!!
I am so proud of you both.

all my love

HALEY said...

Happy Anniversary!

Blake said...

Happy Anniversary!

Michael said...

Happy Anniversary to you both!!

bowling1 said...

Just like Haley's wedding it seemed to pass by with a blur. First we were at the girl luncheon, then we were getting things over to the Trotter House, the wedding, Uncle Jason driving you two, arriving, the reception (which I kept misplacing my drink), the food/the fun/the cops. Within a blink it was over.

Here's to 1 year and many more to follow. Just remember your YOUNGER sister will always have you beat in anniversary years!

Tell Nora Claire that I said HELLO!


Aunt Karen

Why I'm Here

My husband and I live several hours from my family. I started my blog so that my crew in Arkansas can keep up with my family, which recently went from a 2 member household to 3. I teach, and my husband coaches..... so I often have a lot to VENT as well!

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