Wednesday, July 16, 2008


So I was told that an update was needed. There is not too much going on here. It's kind of boring. I am just enjoying my summer not doing anything!!! I really thought I would get tired of not doing anything, but I'm not yet. We did have a doctor's appointment yesterday. He didn't have too much to say. He did say that only 6% of women actually make their due date. My luck I am going to be in that 6%. He also said it was too early to talk about inducing me. Maybe next week. He estimated her weight at 5.5 pounds and said that she will gain about half a pound a week. All I know is that it's hot and I am tired of being pregnant. The picture is of Anthony and I before the cubs game in Chicago. I want to know how fair is it that I gained 30 pounds and he loses 30 pounds? As you can tell, Anthony is getting skinny.


Blake said...

I'm glad to hear that your appt went well...even though you didn't really get any "new" news. And I understand what you mean about it not being fair that Anthony has lost 30 has Michael and I'm not liking it because I haven't lost 1! lol

bowling1 said...

Nora Claire is saying (in the accent of Mike Meyers)....I WANT OUT OF YOUR BELLY....but not before my GREAT Aunt KK comes back into town!

Why I'm Here

My husband and I live several hours from my family. I started my blog so that my crew in Arkansas can keep up with my family, which recently went from a 2 member household to 3. I teach, and my husband coaches..... so I often have a lot to VENT as well!

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