Saturday, November 15, 2008


Why is everyone so rude? Nora Claire and I went to Lafayette today. This was our first trip by ourselves. I guess everyone is in the Christmas shopping mode. There were some courteous people, but not very many. If I am ever rude to anyone it is not on purpose. You will know if it is.

Okay, to address the issue again . I appreciate all the comments from my friends about dealing with my issue. It didn't work. So, sorry no more anonymous comments. No comments that are derogatory to anyone will be tolerated. I started blogging to help my family and friends back home stay up-to-date with what's going on down here. Everything I post on here is strictly my opinions and are no way facts, unless stated. Please be respectful of my feelings and don't post any derogatory comments. I have never commented on anyone's blog in a disrespectful manner nor would I ever. With that being said, I would love to know who my viewers are or should I say lurkers. Evidently I some that I don't know. Just shoot me a comment if you want.


Shelley said...

okay so you got me wondering what was up, so I had to go back and read the old stuff so I was on the same page. My two cents, which is worth just that (two pennies) is that you accidentally offended some Arkansas tailgaters, most likely a lumberjack fan. I understand that you didn't mean to step on toes, but apparently someone took it too literally. I have encountered that on blogs myself; where people can't tell your "tone." So, when it's someone that knows I am a matter-of-fact blunt speaking person, they often assume I am being a rude *ss, when I am not meaning to. Regardless, I think nixing the anons is the easiest fix.

As for rude people, I know what you mean. That's why I want to get my shopping done soon, before people get really psycho in the stores!

Jessica said...

So, I thought I should introduce myself. Well, to start off, I sort of happened upon your blog on accident, but I have enjoyed it. Also, I'm sorry you had to deal with rude people on here, I haven't had to deal with any of that yet, because I just started my blog yesterday. But, about those football comments. I thought that person was very rude. I really can't have a say in this though because I have never been to a Louisiana football game nor an Arkansas one (Heck, I'm from UTAH!) But either way, it is YOUR blog and you are entitled to YOUR own opinion, so whoever left that rude comment should just butt out! Also, feel free to check out my own blog. The address is

Why I'm Here

My husband and I live several hours from my family. I started my blog so that my crew in Arkansas can keep up with my family, which recently went from a 2 member household to 3. I teach, and my husband coaches..... so I often have a lot to VENT as well!

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