Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Last night with the belly

I forgot to post these before we went into the hospital. But as you can tell they are "the belly" on the last night. It got to 42 in. at the biggest part and yes I have the stretch marks to prove it. A couple night after I had her, Anthony and I were walking around the hospital and two different women asked me when I was having my baby. I just looked at Anthony with a sad sad face. He said we should have told them, "If you think she's big now you should have seen that thing before." That made me laugh.
Everyone please pray that this hurricane doesn't come close to us. I will be heading to AR if it does. Anthony will go if it gets bad, but stay otherwise.


Blake said...

Aren't you glad that "the belly" is gone now and you have sweet Nora Claire in its place?! lol

Try not to worry about the storm, maybe it will go around you...BUT if it doesn't, we're prepared to pack you up and bring you back! lol

Laken said...

My belly was bigger. I hope you feel better now.

I will be praying that the storm doesn't come near you all.

bowling1 said...

You will have to tell Uncle Jason that he needs to go on the diet you went on to see if he can loose a few pounds.

If the storm comes it comes. We will be coming down in the truck and that will allow for almost anything that needs to be brought back to Arkansas. Heck I say you & Nora Claire go ahead and come to Arkansas for all of next week. I am sure we can find someone to talk you back next weekend!

Saturday will not come quick enough. I am so ready to "officially" be introduced to the other great neice!

Why I'm Here

My husband and I live several hours from my family. I started my blog so that my crew in Arkansas can keep up with my family, which recently went from a 2 member household to 3. I teach, and my husband coaches..... so I often have a lot to VENT as well!

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