Monday, September 1, 2008

Update from Anthony

As of the 3 p.m., all Anthony could say is is that it was pretty cool. He is getting to see all of the wind and rain come through. He left the house this morning about 9 going to the school. He got there before the wind and the rain started. So he is safe. I talk to him about every 2 hours, but the last time he said that the electricity just went off. Hopefully he will be able to get service to call me here soon. So keep the prayers coming, they are definitely working!! When we went to bed Saturday night, we thought Gustav was going to hit at a category 5. Luckily those warm dry winds coming off Florida helped out.

We haven't heard anything from Anthony's family in Baton Rouge. Hopefully, by the end of the day, we will have heard something. The eye of the storm was passing over Franklin the last time I checked. Maybe there won't be too much damage. As soon as I know more, I will update everyone. Crowley is getting alot of rain and wind right now, according to the weather channel.

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Why I'm Here

My husband and I live several hours from my family. I started my blog so that my crew in Arkansas can keep up with my family, which recently went from a 2 member household to 3. I teach, and my husband coaches..... so I often have a lot to VENT as well!

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